Using Your Senses to Identify Car Trouble

Using Your Senses to Identify Car Trouble

with your vehicle. In fact, sometimes your senses will be the best tool to detect potential car trouble. There are numerous ways a vehicle will try to communicate issues to you, including smells, sensations and visual queues, but you’ll only notice if you’re paying attention. You should always be on the lookout for signs of car trouble, and if you suspect an issue, head to G2 Automotive for proper diagnostics and repair.

Weird Smells

There are several car problems that can produce odd odors. If you catch a whiff of something strange, be sure to visit the shop right away. 

  • Burning smell -  A burning smell in a stick shift often indicates that it is time for clutch repair. If you drive a manual transmission vehicle you will likely remember the smell from when first learning how to accelerate out of first gear.

  • Maple smell - A sweet smell being emitted from your vehicle often means that there is a leak in the coolant system. Antifreeze is very sweet smelling and should your car run low on this necessary fluid it will soon begin to overheat, which can lead to major engine trouble.

Odd Sensations

Pulling and vibrations are all clear indicators of trouble. At the first shake or shimmy, schedule auto diagnostics and service to ensure your vehicle remains safe to drive

  • Vibrating brake pedal - A vibrating brake pedal generally indicates that the rotors need to be machined smooth. If they are not smooth your vehicle’s braking power will be greatly hindered.

  • Shaky steering wheel - A shaky steering wheel can represent a few different problems. It may mean there is a problem with the power steering system or poor wheel alignment.

Strange Sights

Don’t deny obvious signs of trouble that you catch with your own eyes. Remember, the longer you put off repairs, the worse the issue will get.

  • Excessive exhaust smoke - One of the most definitive signs that there is something wrong with the engine is an increased amount of exhaust smoke, especially if it is colored. White smoke can indicate a problem with the cooling system, black smoke means too much fuel is being burnt and blue smoke is a sign of an internal oil leak.

  • Vehicle fluid leaks - If you ever find fluids dripping from your car it is important to head to the auto repair shop as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage from occurring. Your car relies on several fluids for proper operation.

When you visit G2 Automotive for professional German auto repair in Cumming, we will listen carefully to your chief complaint and then perform expert diagnostics to pinpoint the trouble so it is fixed right the first time. Our technicians have years of experience servicing BMW, Mercedes, Audi and other European autos, so we’ve truly seen it all. At the first sign of a problem, give us a call at (678) 771-6434 to schedule professional German auto service in Cumming. 

Ginger Nugent